
Comandos Linux – Comando umout

Montagem e montagem do Linux

comando mount

O comando mount monta um dispositivo de armazenamento ou sistema de arquivos , tornando-o acessível e anexando-o a uma estrutura de diretórios existente .

O comando umount “desmonta” um sistema de arquivos montado, informando o sistema para concluir qualquer operação de leitura ou gravação pendente e desanexando-o com segurança.


montar [-lhV]
montagem -a [-fFnrsvw] [-t vfstype ] [-O optlist ]
montar [-fnrsvw] [-o opção [, opção ] ...] dispositivo | dir
mount [-fnrsvw] [-t vfstype ] [-o opções ] dispositivo | dir

sintaxe umount

umount [-hV]
umount -a [-dflnrv] [-t vfstype ] [-O opções ]
umount [-dflnrv] { dir | dispositivo } ...

Descrição: mount

Todos os arquivos acessíveis no Unix , ou um sistema no estilo Unix, como o Linux , são organizados em uma grande árvore: a hierarquia de arquivos , com raiz em / . Esses arquivos podem ser espalhados por vários dispositivos . O comando mount conecta um sistema de arquivos, localizado em um dispositivo ou outro, à árvore de arquivos. Por outro lado, o comando umount o desanexará novamente.

O formato padrão do comando mount é:

dir do dispositivo mount -t type

Isso diz ao kernel para anexar o sistema de arquivos encontrado no dispositivo (que é do tipo tipo ) no diretório dir . O conteúdo anterior (se houver), o proprietário e o modo de dir ficam invisíveis e, enquanto esse sistema de arquivos permanecer montado, o nome do caminho dir se refere à raiz do sistema de arquivos no dispositivo.

Se apenas o diretório ou dispositivo for fornecido, por exemplo:

montar / dir

então mount procura um ponto de montagem correspondente (e, se não for encontrado, para um dispositivo correspondente) no arquivo / etc / fstab e tenta montá-lo.

Descrição: umount

O comando umount desanexa os sistemas de arquivos especificados da hierarquia de arquivos. Um sistema de arquivos é especificado, fornecendo o diretório em que foi montado. Fornecer o dispositivo especial no qual o sistema de arquivos também pode funcionar, mas é um método obsoleto, principalmente porque falhará caso esse dispositivo tenha sido montado em mais de um diretório.

Observe que um sistema de arquivos não pode ser desmontado quando está ocupado – por exemplo, quando há arquivos abertos, ou quando algum processo tem seu diretório ativo, ou quando um arquivo de troca está em uso. O processo incorreto pode até ser desmontado – por exemplo, umount abre as bibliotecas C comuns , que por sua vez podem abrir (por exemplo) arquivos de localidade que, se estiverem localizados no dispositivo em questão, impedirão que seja desmontado. Uma desmontagem “preguiçosa” (consulte -l na seção de opções de montagem abaixo) tenta desmontar mesmo se esse conflito surgir.

Listando montagens e obtendo ajuda

Três formas do comando mount não montam nada:

mount -h

imprime uma mensagem de ajuda e sai;

montar -V

imprime as informações da versão do suporte e sai;

montar [-l] [-t tipo ]

lista todos os sistemas de arquivos montados (do tipo tipo ). A opção -l adiciona rótulos a essa listagem.

Indicação do dispositivo

A maioria dos dispositivos é indicada por um nome de arquivo (de um dispositivo especial de bloco ) como / dev / sda1 , mas existem outras possibilidades. Por exemplo, no caso de uma montagem NFS , o nome do dispositivo pode parecer com hostname: / dir . É possível indicar um dispositivo especial de bloco usando seu volume LABEL ou UUID (consulte as opções -L e -U abaixo).

A configuração recomendada é usar as tags ” LABEL = <label> ” ou ” UUID = <uuid> ” em vez de ” / dev / disk / by- {label, uuid} ” links simbólicos do udev no arquivo / etc / fstab . As tags são mais legíveis, robustas e portáteis . Internamente, o comando mount usa links simbólicos do udev , portanto, o uso de links simbólicos no / etc / fstab não tem vantagem sobre ” LABEL = / UUID = “.

Note que mount usa UUID s como strings . Os UUIDs da linha de comando ou fstab não são convertidos em representação binária interna . A representação em cadeia do UUID deve ser baseada em caracteres minúsculos .

O sistema de arquivos proc não está associado a um dispositivo especial e, ao montá-lo, uma palavra-chave arbitrária como proc pode ser usada em vez de uma especificação de dispositivo. A escolha habitual none é menos afortunada: a mensagem de erro ” none busy ” de umount pode ser confusa, pois algo está realmente ocupado.

Os arquivos / etc / fstab, / etc / mtab e / proc / mounts

O arquivo / etc / fstab pode conter linhas descrevendo quais dispositivos geralmente são montados onde, usando quais opções.

O comando

mount -a [-t type ] [-O optlist ]

faz com que todos os sistemas de arquivos mencionados no fstab (do tipo apropriado e / ou possuindo ou não as opções adequadas) sejam montados conforme indicado, exceto aqueles cuja linha contenha a palavra-chave noauto . Esse comando normalmente seria incluído em um script de inicialização . Adicionar a opção -F tornará o fork de montagem , para que os sistemas de arquivos sejam montados simultaneamente.

Ao montar um sistema de arquivos mencionado no fstab ou no mtab , basta fornecer apenas o dispositivo ou apenas o ponto de montagem. Os programas mount e umount mantêm uma lista dos sistemas de arquivos atualmente montados no arquivo / etc / mtab . Se nenhum argumento for fornecido para montar , esta lista será impressa.

O programa de montagem não lê o arquivo / etc / fstab se o dispositivo (ou LABEL / UUID ) e o dir estiverem especificados. Por exemplo:

mount / dev / foo / dir

Se você deseja substituir as opções de montagem do / etc / fstab , é necessário usar:

mount device|dir -o options

and then the mount options from command line will be appended to the list of options from /etc/fstab. If there are duplicate options, the usual behavior is that the one occuring last in the command will be used.

When the proc filesystem is mounted (at /proc, for instance), the files /etc/mtab and /proc/mounts have very similar contents. The former has somewhat more information, such as the mount options used, but is not necessarily up-to-date (compare with the -n option below). It is possible to replace /etc/mtab by a symbolic link to /proc/mounts. When you have very large numbers of mounts things will be much faster with the symlink, but some information is lost that way; in particular, the “user” option will fail.

Non-Superuser Mounts

Normally, only the superuser can mount filesystems. However, when fstab contains the user option on a line, anybody can mount the corresponding system.

Thus, given an fstab line

/dev/cdrom /cd iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide

any user can mount the iso9660 filesystem found on a CD-ROM, using the command

mount /dev/cdrom


mount /cd

By default, only the user that mounted a filesystem can unmount it. If you’d like to allow any user to be able to unmount a user-mount filesystem, use “users” instead of “user” in the fstab line. The “owner” option is similar to the “user” option, with the restriction that the user must be the owner of the special file. This may be useful, for example, for /dev/fd if a login script makes the console user owner of this device. The “group” option is similar, with the restriction that the user must be member of the special file’s owning group.

Bind Mounts

Desde o Linux 2.4.0, é possível remontar parte da hierarquia de arquivos em outro lugar. A chamada é a seguinte:

mount --bind olddir newdir

ou, usando a opção curta:

mount -B olddir newdir

ou como uma entrada fstab :

/ olddir / newdir none bind

Após esta chamada, o mesmo conteúdo é acessível em dois lugares. Também é possível remontar um único arquivo (em um único arquivo). Também é possível usar o mount mount para criar um ponto de montagem a partir de um diretório regular, por exemplo:

mount --bind foo foo

A chamada de montagem de ligação anexa apenas (parte de) um único sistema de arquivos, não é possível submontar. Toda a hierarquia de arquivos, incluindo submounts, é anexada em um segundo lugar usando

mount --rbind olddir newdir

ou, usando a opção curta:

mount -R olddir newdir

Note-se que o sistema de arquivos opções de montagem permanecerá o mesmo como aqueles no ponto de montagem original, e não pode ser alterado, passando a -o opção junto com –bind / –rbind . As opções de montagem podem ser alteradas por um comando de remontagem separado, por exemplo:

mount --bind olddir newdir
mount -o remount, ro newdir

Observe que o comportamento da operação de remontagem depende do arquivo / etc / mtab . O primeiro comando armazena o sinalizador ‘ bind ‘ no arquivo / etc / mtab e o segundo comando lê o sinalizador do arquivo. Se você tiver um sistema sem o arquivo / etc / mtab ou se definir explicitamente origem e destino para o comando remount (o mount não lê / etc / mtab ), será necessário usar o sinalizador de ligação (ou opção) para a remontagem comando também. Por exemplo:

mount --bind olddir newdir
mount -o remontar, ro, vincular olddir newdir

A Operação Mover

Desde o Linux 2.5.1, é possível mover atomicamente uma árvore montada para outro local. A chamada é:

mount --move olddir newdir

ou falta de opção

mount -M olddir newdir

Isso fará com que o conteúdo que apareceu anteriormente no olddir seja acessado no newdir . A localização física dos arquivos não é alterada. Observe que o olddir deve ser um ponto de montagem.

Opções de subárvore compartilhada

Desde o Linux 2.6.15, é possível marcar uma montagem e seus subconjuntos como compartilhados, privados, escravos ou desatáveis. Uma montagem compartilhada fornece a capacidade de criar espelhos dessa montagem, de modo que montagens e montagens em qualquer um dos espelhos se propaguem para o outro espelho. Uma montagem escrava recebe propagação de seu mestre, mas nenhuma vice-versa. Uma montagem privada não possui capacidade de propagação. Uma montagem não-acoplável é uma montagem privada que não pode ser clonada por meio de uma operação de ligação. A semântica detalhada está documentada no arquivo Documentation / filesystems / sharedsubtree.txt na árvore de origem do kernel.

montagem compartilhada---faça mountpoint
mount --make-slave ponto de montagem
mount --faça-privada mountpoint
mount --faça-unbindable mountpoint

The following commands allows one to recursively change the type of all the mounts under a given mountpoint.

mount --make-rshared mountpoint
mount --make-rslave mountpoint
mount --make-rprivate mountpoint
mount --make-runbindable mountpoint

mount: Command Line Options

The full set of mount options used by an invocation of mount is determined by first extracting the mount options for the filesystem from the fstab table, then applying any options specified by the -o argument, and finally applying a -r or -w option, when present.

Options are as follows:

-V–versionDisplay version information, and exit.
-h–helpDisplay a help message, and exit.
-v–verboseOperate verbosely.
-a–allMount all filesystems (of the given types) mentioned in fstab.
-F–fork(Used in conjunction with -a): fork off a new incarnation of mount for each device. This will do the mounts on different devices or different NFS servers in parallel. This has the advantage that it is faster; also, NFS timeouts occur in parallel. A disadvantage is that the mounts are done in undefined order. Thus, you cannot use this option if you want to mount both /usr and /usr/spool, since /usr must be mounted first.
-f–fakeCauses everything to be done except for the actual system call; in effect, this “fakes” the mounting of the filesystem. This option is useful in conjunction with the -v flag to determine what the mount command is trying to do. It can also be used to add entries for devices that were mounted earlier with the -n option. The -f option checks for existing record in /etc/mtab and fails when the record already exists (with regular non-fake mount operations, this check is done by the kernel).
-i–internal-onlyDon’t call the /sbin/mount.filesystem helper, even if it exists.
-lAdd labels to the mount output. Mount must have permission to read the disk device (e.g., be suid root) for this to work. One can set such a label for ext2ext3 or ext4 using the e2label utility, or for XFS using xfs_admin, or for reiserfs using reiserfstune.
-n–no-mtabMount without writing in /etc/mtab. This is necessary, for example, when /etc is on a read-only filesystem.
–no-canonicalizeDon’t canonicalize (standardize) path names. The mount command canonicalizes all paths (from command line or fstab) and stores canonicalized paths to the /etc/mtab file. This option can be used together with the -f flag for already canonicalized absolute paths.
-p–pass-fd numIn case of a loop mount with encryption, read the passphrase from file descriptor num instead of from the terminal.
-sTolerate sloppy mount options rather than failing. This option ignores mount options not supported by a filesystem type. Not all filesystems support this option. This option exists for support of the Linux autofs-based automounter.
-r–read-onlyMount the filesystem read-only. A synonym is -o ro.

Note that, depending on the filesystem type, state and kernel behavior, the system may still write to the device. For example, ext3 or ext4 will replay its journal if the filesystem is “dirty” (if there is unfinished business, such as data that has not been written yet). To prevent this kind of write access, you may want to mount ext3 or ext4 filesystems with “ro,noload” mount options or set the block device to read-only mode, which can be achieved with the command blockdev.

-w–rwMount the filesystem as read/write. This is the default. A synonym is -o rw.
-L labelMount the partition that has the specified label.
-U uuidMount the partition that has the specified UUID uuid. These two options require the file /proc/partitions (present since Linux 2.1.116) to exist.
-t–types vfstypeThe argument following the -t is used to indicate the filesystem type. The filesystem types that are currently supported include:

  • adfs
  • affs
  • autofs
  • cifs
  • coda
  • coherent
  • cramfs
  • debugfs
  • devpts
  • efs
  • ext
  • ext2
  • ext3
  • ext4
  • fat
  • hfs
  • hfsplus
  • hpfs
  • iso9660
  • jfs
  • minix
  • msdos
  • ncpfs
  • nfs
  • nfs4
  • ntfs
  • proc
  • qnx4
  • ramfs
  • reiserfs
  • romfs
  • squashfs
  • smbfs
  • sysv
  • tmpfs
  • ubifs
  • udf
  • ufs
  • umsdos
  • usbfs
  • vfat
  • xenix
  • xfs
  • xiafs

Note that coherentsysv and xenix are equivalent and that xenix and coherent will be removed at some point in the future — use sysv instead. Since kernel version 2.1.21, the types ext and xiafs do not exist anymore. Earlier, usbfs was known as usbdevfs. Note also that the complete list of all supported filesystems depends upon your kernel.

The programs mount and umount support filesystem subtypes. The subtype is defined by ‘.subtype‘ suffix. For example ‘fuse.sshfs‘. It’s recommended to use subtype notation rather than add any prefix to the mount source (for example ‘sshfs#example.com‘ is deprecated).

For most types all the mount program has to do is issue a simple mount( ) system call, and no detailed knowledge of the filesystem type is required. For a few types however (like nfsnfs4cifssmbfsncpfs) ad hoc code is necessary. The nfsnfs4cifssmbfs, and ncpfs filesystems have a separate mount program. To make it possible to treat all types in a uniform way, mount will execute the program /sbin/mount.TYPE (if that exists) when called with type TYPE. Since various versions of the smbmount program have different calling conventions, /sbin/mount.smbfs may have to be a shell script that sets up the desired call.

If no -t option is given, or if the auto type is specified, mount will try to guess the desired type. mount uses the blkid library for guessing the filesystem type; if that does not turn up anything that looks familiar, mount will try to read the file /etc/filesystems, or, if that does not exist, /proc/filesystems. All of the filesystem types listed there will be tried, except for those that are labeled “nodev” (e.g., devptsproc and nfs). If /etc/filesystems ends in a line with a single * only, mount will read /proc/filesystems afterwards.

The auto type may be useful for user-mounted floppies. Creating a file /etc/filesystems can be useful to change the probe order (e.g., to try vfat before msdos or ext3 before ext2) or if you use a kernel module autoloader.

” More than one type may be specified in a comma separated list. The list of filesystem types can be prefixed with no to specify the filesystem types on which no action should be taken. This can be meaningful with the -a option. For example, the command:

mount -a -t nomsdos,ext

mounts all filesystems except those of type msdos and ext.

-O–test-opts optsUsed in conjunction with -a, to limit the set of filesystems to which the -a is applied. Like -t in this regard except that it is useless except in the context of -a. For example, the command:

mount -a -O no_netdev

mounts all filesystems except those which have the option _netdev specified in the options field in the /etc/fstab file.

It is different from -t in that each option is matched exactly; a leading no at the beginning of one option does not negate the rest.

The -t and -O options are cumulative in effect; that is, the command

mount -a -t ext2 -O _netdev

mounts all ext2 filesystems with the _netdev option, not all filesystems that are either ext2 or have the _netdev option specified.

-o–options optsOptions are specified with a -o flag followed by a comma separated string of options. For example:

mount LABEL=mydisk -o noatime,nouser

For more details, see Filesystem Independent mount and Filesystem Specific mount sections.

-B–bindRemount a subtree somewhere else (so that its contents are available in both places).
-R–rbindRemount a subtree and all possible submounts somewhere else (so that its contents are available in both places).
-M–moveMove a subtree to some other place.


Some of these options are only useful when they appear in the /etc/fstab file.

Some of these options could be enabled or disabled by default in the system kernel. To check the current setting see the options in /proc/mounts.

The following options apply to any filesystem that is being mounted (but not every filesystem actually honors them – e.g., the sync option today has effect only for ext2ext3fatvfat and ufs):

asyncAll I/O to the filesystem should be done asynchronously. See also the sync option.
atimeDo not use noatime feature, then the inode access time is controlled by kernel defaults. See also the description for strictatime and reatime mount options.
noatimeDo not update inode access times on this filesystem (e.g., for faster access on the news spool to speed up news servers).
autoCan be mounted with the -a option.
noautoCan only be mounted explicitly (i.e., the -a option will not cause the filesystem to be mounted).
context=contextfscontext=contextdefcontext=contextrootcontext=contextThe context= option is useful when mounting filesystems that do not support extended attributes, such as a floppy or hard disk formatted with VFAT, or systems that are not normally running under SELinux, such as an ext3 formatted disk from a non-SELinux workstation. You can also use context= on filesystems you do not trust, such as a floppy. It also helps in compatibility with xattr-supporting filesystems on earlier 2.4.<x> kernel versions. Even where xattrs are supported, you can save time not having to label every file by assigning the entire disk one security context.

A commonly used option for removable media is context=system_u:object_r:removable_t.

Two other options are fscontext= and defcontext=, which are mutually exclusive of the context option. This means you can use fscontext and defcontext with each other, but neither can be used with context.

The fscontext= option works for all filesystems, regardless of their xattr support. The fscontext option sets the overarching filesystem label to a specific security context. This filesystem label is separate from the individual labels on the files. It represents the entire filesystem for certain kinds of permission checks, such as during mount or file creation. Individual file labels are still obtained from the xattrs on the files themselves. The context option actually sets the aggregate context that fscontext provides, in addition to supplying the same label for individual files.

You can set the default security context for unlabeled files using defcontext= option. This overrides the value set for unlabeled files in the policy and requires a filesystem that supports xattr labeling.

The rootcontext= option allows you to explicitly label the root inode of a FS being mounted before that FS or inode becomes visible to userspace. This was found to be useful for things like Red Hat stateless linux.

Note that kernel rejects any remount request that includes the context option even if unchanged from the current context.

defaultsUse default options: rwsuiddevexecautonouser, and async.
devInterpret character or block special devices on the filesystem.
nodevDo not interpret character or block special devices on the file system.
diratimeUpdate directory inode access times on this filesystem. This is the default.
nodiratimeDo not update directory inode access times on this filesystem.
dirsyncAll directory updates within the filesystem should be done synchronously. This affects the following system calls: creatlinkunlinksymlinkmkdirrmdirmknod and rename.
execPermit execution of binaries.
noexecDo not allow direct execution of any binaries on the mounted filesystem. Until recently it was possible to run binaries anyway using a command like /lib/ld*.so /mnt/binary. This trick fails since Linux 2.4.25 / 2.6.0.
groupAllow an ordinary (i.e., non-root) user to mount the filesystem if one of his groups matches the group of the device. This option implies the options nosuid and nodev (unless overridden by subsequent options, as in the option line group,dev,suid).
encryptionSpecifies an encryption algorithm to use. Used in conjunction with the loop option.
keybitsSpecifies the key size to use for an encryption algorithm. Used in conjunction with the loop and encryption options.
iversionEvery time the inode is modified, the i_version field will be incremented.
noiversionDo not increment the i_version inode field.
mandAllow mandatory locks on this filesystem.
nomandDo not allow mandatory locks on this filesystem.
_netdevThe filesystem resides on a device that requires network access (used to prevent the system from attempting to mount these filesystems until the network has been enabled on the system).
nofailDo not report errors for this device if it does not exist.
relatimeUpdate inode access times relative to modify or change time. Access time is only updated if the previous access time was earlier than the current modify or change time. Similar to noatime, but doesn’t breakapplications that need to know if a file has been read since the last time it was modified.

Since Linux 2.6.30, the kernel defaults to the behavior provided by this option (unless noatime was specified), and the strictatime option is required to obtain traditional semantics. Also, since Linux 2.6.30, the file’s last access time is always updated if it is more than 1 day old.

norelatimeDo not use relatime feature. See also the strictatime mount option.
strictatimeAllows to explicitly requesting full atime updates. This makes it possible for kernel to defaults to relatime or noatime but still allow userspace to override it. For more details about the default system mount options see /proc/mounts.
nostrictatimeUse the kernel’s default behavior for inode access time updates.
suidAllow set-user-identifier or set-group-identifier bits to take effect.
nosuidDo not allow set-user-identifier or set-group-identifier bits to take effect. This seems safe, but is in fact rather unsafe if you have suidperl installed.
silentTurn on the silent flag.
loudTurn off the silent flag.
ownerAllow an ordinary (i.e., non-root) user to mount the filesystem if he is the owner of the device. This option implies the options nosuid and nodev (unless overridden by subsequent options, as in the option line owner,dev,suid).
remountAttempt to remount an already-mounted filesystem. This is commonly used to change the mount flags for a filesystem, especially to make a readonly filesystem writable. It does not change device or mount point.

The remount functionality follows the standard way how the mount command works with options from fstab. It means the mount command doesn’t read fstab (or mtab) only when a device and dir are fully specified.

mount -o remount,rw /dev/foo /dir

After this call all old mount options are replaced and arbitrary stuff from fstab is ignored, except the loop= option that is internally generated and maintained by the mount command.

mount -o remount,rw /dir

After this call mount reads fstab (or mtab) and merges these options with options from command line ( -o ).

roMount the filesystem read-only.
rwMount the filesystem read-write.
syncAll I/O to the filesystem should be done synchronously. In case of media with limited number of write cycles (e.g., some flash drives) sync may cause life-cycle shortening.
userAllow an ordinary user to mount the filesystem. The name of the mounting user is written to mtab so that he can unmount the filesystem again. This option implies the options noexecnosuid, and nodev (unless overridden by subsequent options, as in the option line user,exec,dev,suid).
nouserForbid an ordinary (i.e., non-root) user to mount the filesystem. This is the default.
usersAllow every user to mount and unmount the filesystem. This option implies the options noexecnosuid, and nodev (unless overridden by subsequent options, as in the option line users,exec,dev,suid).


The following options apply only to certain filesystems. Here, they are sorted by filesystem. They all follow the -o flag.

What options are supported depends on the running kernel. More info may be found in the kernel source subdirectory Documentation/filesystems.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: adfs

Advanced Disc Filing System (“adfs“) is specific to certain RISC operating systems, such as those on the Acorn MOS line of computers.

Mount Options for adfs:

uid=valuegid=valueSet the owner and group of the files in the filesystem (default: uid=gid=0).
ownmask=valueothmask=valueSet the permission mask for ADFS ‘owner’ permissions and ‘other’ permissions, respectively (default: 0700 and 0077, respectively). See also /usr/src/linux/Documentation/filesystems/adfs.txt.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: affs

Amiga Fast File System (“affs“) is a filesystem used on the Amiga personal computer.

Mount options for affs:

uid=valuegid=valueSet the owner and group of the root of the filesystem (default: uid=gid=0, but with option uid or gid without specified value, the uid and gid of the current process are taken).
setuid=valuesetgid=valueSet the owner and group of all files.
mode=valueSet the mode of all files to value & 0777 disregarding the original permissions. Add search permission to directories that have read permission. The value is given in octal.
protectDo not allow any changes to the protection bits on the filesystem.
usempSet uid and gid of the root of the filesystem to the uid and gid of the mount point upon the first sync or umount, and then clear this option.
verbosePrint an informational message for each successful mount.
prefix=stringPrefix used before volume name, when following a link.
volume=stringPrefix (of length at most 30) used before ‘/‘ when following a symbolic link.
reserved=value(Default: 2.) Number of unused blocks at the start of the device.
root=valueGive explicitly the location of the root block.
bs=valueGive blocksize. Allowed values are 512102420484096.
grpquota|noquota|quota|usrquotaThese options are accepted but ignored. (However, quota utilities may react to such strings in /etc/fstab.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: devpts

The devpts filesystem is a pseudo-filesystem, traditionally mounted on /dev/pts. To acquire a pseudo terminal, a process opens /dev/ptmx; the number of the pseudo terminal is then made available to the process and the pseudo terminal slave can be accessed as /dev/pts/<number>.

Mount options for devpts:

uid=valuegid=valueThis sets the owner or the group of newly created PTYs to the specified values. When nothing is specified, they will be set to the UID and GID of the creating process. For example, if there is a tty group with GID 5, then gid=5 will cause newly created PTYs to belong to the tty group.
mode=valueSet the mode of newly created PTYs to the specified value. The default is 0600. A value of mode=620 and gid=5 makes “mesg y” the default on newly created PTYs.
newinstanceCreate a private instance of devpts filesystem, such that indices of ptys allocated in this new instance are independent of indices created in other instances of devpts.

All mounts of devpts without this newinstance option share the same set of pty indices (i.e legacy mode). Each mount of devpts with the newinstance option has a private set of pty indices.

This option is mainly used to support containers in the linux kernel. It is implemented in linux kernel versions starting with 2.6.29. Further, this mount option is valid only if CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES is enabled in the kernel configuration.

To use this option effectively, /dev/ptmx must be a symbolic link to pts/ptmx. See Documentation/filesystems/devpts.txt in the linux kernel source tree for details.

ptmxmode=valueSet the mode for the new ptmx device node in the devpts filesystem.

With the support for multiple instances of devpts (see newinstance option above), each instance has a private ptmx node in the root of the devpts filesystem (typically /dev/pts/ptmx).

For compatibility with older versions of the kernel, the default mode of the new ptmx node is 0000ptmxmode=value specifies a more useful mode for the ptmx node and is highly recommended when the newinstance option is specified.

This option is only implemented in linux kernel versions starting with 2.6.29. Further this option is valid only if CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES is enabled in the kernel configuration.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: ext2

ext2, the “second extended file system”, was once the default filesystem of many distributions of Linux, including Debian and Red Hat Linux. It has since largely been replaced by ext3 (see below), but is still widely used, especially on flash-based solid-state media.

Mount options for ext2:

acl|noaclSupport POSIX Access Control Lists (or do not).
bsddf|minixdfSet the behavior for the statfs system call. The minixdf behavior is to return in the f_blocks field the total number of blocks of the filesystem, while the bsddf behavior (which is the default) is to subtract the overhead blocks used by the ext2 filesystem and not available for file storage. Thus:

mount /k -o minixdf; df /k; umount /k
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on 
/dev/sda6 2630655 86954 2412169 3% /k
% mount /k -o bsddf; df /k; umount /k
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on 
/dev/sda6 2543714 13 2412169 0% /k

Note that this example shows that one can add command line options to the options given in /etc/fstab.

cheque = { nenhum | nocheck }Nenhuma verificação é feita no tempo de montagem. Esse é o padrão. Isso é rápido. É aconselhável chamar o e2fsck de vez em quando, por exemplo, no momento da inicialização .
depurarImprima informações de depuração em cada (re) montagem.
errors = { continue | remontar-ro | pânico }Defina o comportamento quando um erro for encontrado. Ignore os erros e apenas marque o sistema de arquivos como incorreto e continue, ou remonte o sistema de arquivos como somente leitura ou entre em pânico e interrompa o sistema. O padrão é definido no superbloco do sistema de arquivos e pode ser alterado usando o tune2fs .
GRPID | bsdgroups , nogrpid | sysvgroupsEssas opções definem qual ID de grupo um arquivo recém-criado obtém. Quando grpid é definido, recebe o ID do grupo no diretório em que é criado; caso contrário (o padrão) que leva o fsgid do processo atual, a menos que o diretório tem o setgid bit definido, caso em que é preciso o GID do diretório pai, e também recebe o setgid conjunto de bits se é um diretório em si.
grpquota | noquota | quota | usrquotaEssas opções são aceitas, mas ignoradas.
nouid32Desativa UIDs e GIDs de 32 bits. Isso é para interoperabilidade com kernels antigos, que apenas armazenam e esperam valores de 16 bits.
oldalloc , orlovUse o alocador antigo ou o Orlov para novos inodes. Orlov é o padrão.
resgid = n , resuid = nsistema de arquivos ext2 reserva uma certa porcentagem do espaço disponível (por padrão, 5%). Essas opções determinam quem pode usar os blocos reservados. Aproximadamente quem tem o uid especificado ou pertence ao grupo especificado.
sb = nEm vez do bloco 1, use o bloco n como superbloco. Isso pode ser útil quando o sistema de arquivos estiver danificado. (Antes, as cópias do superbloco eram feitas a cada 8192 blocos: no bloco 1, 8193, 16385 etc. (e há milhares de cópias em um grande sistema de arquivos). Desde a versão 1.08, o mke2fs tem um -s (superbloco esparso) opção para reduzir o número de superblocos de backup e, desde a versão 1.15, esse é o padrão Observe que isso pode significar que os sistemas de arquivos ext2 criados por um mke2fs recente não podem ser montados r / w no Linux 2.0. *. O número do bloco aqui usa unidades de 1k Portanto, se você deseja usar o bloco lógico 32768 em um sistema de arquivos com blocos de 4k, use ” sb = 131072 “.
user_xattr | nouser_xattrSuporte ” usuário ” . Atributos estendidos (ou não).

Opções de montagem específicas do sistema de arquivos: ext3

O sistema de arquivos ext3 é uma versão do ext2 aprimorada com os recursos de diário . Ele suporta todas as opções de montagem ext2 listadas acima, bem como as seguintes opções.

Opções de montagem para ext3 :

journal = updateAtualize o diário do sistema de arquivos ext3 para o formato atual.
journal = inumQuando um diário já existe, essa opção é ignorada. Caso contrário, especifica o número do inode que representará o arquivo de diário do sistema de arquivos ext3 ; ext3 criará um novo diário, substituindo o conteúdo antigo do arquivo cujo número de inode é inum .
journal_dev devnumQuando os números principais / secundários do dispositivo de diário externo foram alterados, essa opção permite que o usuário especifique o novo local do diário. O dispositivo do diário é identificado por meio dos novos números principais / secundários codificados no devnum .
norecovery / noloadNão carregue o diário na montagem. Observe que, se o sistema de arquivos não foi desmontado corretamente, pular a reprodução do diário levará ao sistema de arquivos que contém inconsistências que podem levar a vários problemas.
data = { diário | ordenado | write-back }Especifica o modo de diário para os dados do arquivo. Os metadados são sempre registrados no diário. Para usar modos diferentes dos pedidos no sistema de arquivos raiz, passe o modo para o kernel como parâmetro de inicialização , por exemplo, rootflags = data = journal .

DiárioTodos os dados são confirmados no diário antes de serem gravados no sistema de arquivos principal.
ordenouEste é o modo padrão. Todos os dados são forçados diretamente para o sistema de arquivos principal antes de seus metadados serem confirmados no diário.
writebackData ordering is not preserved: data may be written into the main filesystem after its metadata has been committed to the journal. This is rumoured to be the highest-throughput option. It guarantees internal filesystem integrity, however it can allow old data to appear in files after a crash and journal recovery.
barrier=0 / barrier=1This enables/disables barriers. barrier=0 disables it, barrier=1 enables it. Write barriers enforce proper on-disk ordering of journal commits, making volatile disk write caches safe to use, at some performance penalty. The ext3 filesystem does not enable write barriers by default. Be sure to enable barriers unless your disks are battery-backed one way or another. Otherwise, you risk filesystem corruption in case of power failure.
commit=nrsecSync all data and metadata every nrsec seconds. The default value is 5 seconds. Zero means default.
user_xattrEnable Extended User Attributes, as per the attr command.
aclEnable POSIX Access Control Lists.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: ext4

The ext4 filesystem is an advanced level of the ext3 filesystem which incorporates scalability and reliability enhancements for supporting large filesystem.

The options journal_devnoloaddatacommitorlovoldalloc, [no]user_xattr [no]aclbsddfminixdfdebugerrorsdata_errgrpidbsdgroupsnogrpidsysvgroupsresgidresuidsbquotanoquotagrpquota, and usrquota are backward compatible with ext3 or ext2.

Mount options for ext4:

journal_checksumEnable checksumming of the journal transactions. This will allow the recovery code in e2fsck and the kernel to detect corruption in the kernel. It is a compatible change and will be ignored by older kernels.
journal_async_commitCommit block can be written to disk without waiting for descriptor blocks. If enabled older kernels cannot mount the device. This will enable ‘journal_checksum’ internally.
journal=updateUpdate the ext4 filesystem’s journal to the current format.
This enables/disables the use of write barriers in the jbd code. barrier=0 disables, barrier=1 enables. This also requires an IO stack which can support barriers, and if jbd gets an error on a barrier write, it will disable again with a warning. Write barriers enforce proper on-disk ordering of journal commits, making volatile disk write caches safe to use, at some performance penalty. If your disks are battery-backed in one way or another, disabling barriers may safely improve performance. The mount options “barrier” and “nobarrier” can also be used to enable or disable barriers, for consistency with other ext4 mount options.

The ext4 filesystem enables write barriers by default.

inode_readahead=nThis tuning parameter controls the maximum number of inode table blocks that ext4’s inode table readahead algorithm will pre-read into the buffer cache. The default value is 32 blocks.
stripe=nNumber of filesystem blocks that mballoc will try to use for allocation size and alignment. For RAID5/6 systems this should be the number of data disks multipled by the RAID chunk size in filesystem blocks.
delallocDeferring block allocation until write-out time.
nodelallocDisable delayed allocation. Blocks are allocated when data is copied from user to page cache.
max_batch_time=usecMaximum amount of time ext4 should wait for additional filesystem operations to be batch together with a synchronous write operation. Since a synchronous write operation is going to force a commit and then a wait for the I/O complete, it doesn’t cost much, and can be a huge throughput win, we wait for a small amount of time to see if any other transactions can piggyback on the synchronous write. The algorithm used is designed to automatically tune for the speed of the disk, by measuring the amount of time (on average) that it takes to finish committing a transaction. Call this time the “commit time”. If the time that the transaction has been running is less than the commit time, ext4 will try sleeping for the commit time to see if other operations will join the transaction. The commit time is capped by the max_batch_time, which defaults to 15000 us (15 ms). This optimization can be turned off entirely by setting max_batch_time to 0.
min_batch_time=usecThis parameter sets the commit time (as described above) to be at least min_batch_time. It defaults to zero microseconds. Increasing this parameter may improve the throughput of multi-threaded, synchronous workloads on very fast disks, at the cost of increasing latency.
journal_ioprio=prioThe I/O priority (from 0 to 7, where 0 is the highest priority) which should be used for I/O operations submitted by kjournald2 during a commit operation. This defaults to 3, which is a slightly higher priority than the default I/O priority.
abortSimulate the effects of calling ext4_abort() for debugging purposes. This is normally used while remounting a filesystem that is already mounted.
auto_da_alloc|noauto_da_allocMany broken applications don’t use fsync() when replacing existing files via patterns such as:

fd = open("foo.new")
rename("foo.new", "foo")

or worse yet:

fd = open("foo", O_TRUNC)

If auto_da_alloc is enabled, ext4 will detect the replace-via-rename and replace-via-truncate patterns and force that any delayed allocation blocks are allocated such that at the next journal commit, in the default data=ordered mode, the data blocks of the new file are forced to disk before the rename() operation is committed. This provides roughly the same level of guarantees as ext3, and avoids the “zero-length” problem that can happen when a system crashes before the delayed allocation blocks are forced to disk.

discard/nodiscardControls whether ext4 should issue discard/TRIM commands to the underlying block device when blocks are freed. This is useful for SSD devices and sparse/thinly-provisioned LUNs, but it is off by default until sufficient testing has been done.
nouid32Disables 32-bit UIDs and GIDs. This is for interoperability with older kernels which only store and expect 16-bit values.
resizeAllows to resize filesystem to the end of the last existing block group, further resize has to be done with resize2fs either online, or offline. It can be used only with conjunction with remount.
block_validity/noblock_validityThis options allows to enables/disables the in-kernel facility for tracking filesystem metadata blocks within internal data structures. This allows multi-block allocator and other routines to quickly locate extents which might overlap with filesystem metadata blocks. This option is intended for debugging purposes and since it negatively affects the performance, it is off by default.
dioread_lock/dioread_nolockControls whether or not ext4 should use the DIO read locking. If the dioread_nolock option is specified ext4 will allocate uninitialized extent before buffer write and convert the extent to initialized after IO completes. This approach allows ext4 code to avoid using inode mutex (mutual exclusion), which improves scalability on high speed storages. However, this does not work with data journaling and dioread_nolock option will be ignored with kernel warning. Note that dioread_nolock code path is only used for extent-based files. Because of the restrictions this options comprises it is off by default (e.g., dioread_lock).
i_versionEnable 64-bit inode version support. This option is off by default.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: fat

File Allocation Table (“fat“) is a legacy filesystem. Originally designed for use on floppy disks, it is simple and robust, but lacks the advanced features, performance, reliability and scalability of modern filesystems.

For many years it was the standard filesystem of Microsoft’s MS-DOS and Windows 9x line of operating systems.

Mount options for fat:

blocksize={512|1024|2048}Set blocksize (default 512). This option is obsolete.
uid=valuegid=valueSet the owner and group of all files. Default: the uid and gid of the current process.
umask=valueSet the umask (the bitmask of the permissions that are not present). The default is the umask of the current process. The value is given in octal.
dmask=valueSet the umask applied to directories only. The default is the umask of the current process. The value is given in octal.
fmask=valueSet the umask applied to regular files only. The default is the umask of the current process. The value is given in octal.
allow_utime=valueThis option controls the permission check of mtime/atimevalue can be:

20If current process is in group of file’s group ID, you can change timestamp.
2Other users can change timestamp.

The default is set from the dmask option. (If the directory is writable, utime is also allowed, i.e. ~dmask & 022)

Normally utime( ) checks current process is owner of the file, or it has CAP_FOWNER capability. But FAT filesystem doesn’t have uid/gid on disk, so normal check is too inflexible. With this option you can relax it.

check=valueThree different levels of pickiness can be chosen:

r[elaxed]Upper and lower case are accepted and equivalent, long name parts are truncated (e.g., verylongname.foobar becomes verylong.foo), leading and embedded spaces are accepted in each name part (name and extension).
n[ormal]Like “relaxed“, but many special characters (*?<spaces, etc.) are rejected. This is the default.
s[trict]Like “normal“, but names may not contain long parts and special characters that are sometimes used on Linux, but are not accepted by MS-DOS are rejected. (+=, spaces, etc.)
codepage=valueSets the codepage for converting to shortname characters on FAT and VFAT filesystems. By default, codepage 437 is used.
conv={b[inary]|t[ext]|a[uto]}The fat filesystem can perform CR/LF <–> NL (MS-DOS text format to UNIX text format) conversion in the kernel. The following conversion modes are available:

binaryno translation is performed. This is the default.
textCRLF<–>NL translation is performed on all files.
autoCRLF<–>NL translation is performed on all files that don’t have a “well-known binary” extension. The list of known extensions can be found at the beginning of fs/fat/misc.c. As of 2.0, the list is:


Programs that do computed lseeks won’t like in-kernel text conversion. Several people have had their data ruined by this translation. You have been warned!

For filesystems mounted in binary mode, a conversion tool (fromdos/todos) is available, so ultimately this option is obsolete.

cvf_format=moduleForces the driver to use the CVF (Compressed Volume File) module module instead of auto-detection. If the kernel supports kmod, the cvf_format=xxx option also controls on-demand CVF module loading. This option is obsolete.
cvf_option=optionOption passed to the CVF module. This option is obsolete.
debugTurn on the debug flag. A version string and a list of filesystem parameters will be printed (these data are also printed if the parameters appear to be inconsistent).
fat={12|16|32}Specify a 12, 16 or 32-bit FAT. This overrides the automatic FAT type detection routine, so use it with caution!
iocharset=valueCharacter set to use for converting between 8 bit characters and 16 bit Unicode characters. The default is iso8859-1. Long file names are stored on disk in Unicode format.
tz=UTCThis option disables the conversion of timestamps between local time (as used by Windows on FAT) and UTC (which Linux uses internally). This is particularly useful when mounting devices (like digital cameras) that are set to UTC to avoid the pitfalls of local time.
quietTurn on the quiet flag. Attempts to chown or chmod files do not return errors, although they fail. Use with caution!
showexecIf set, the execute permission bits of the file will be allowed only if the extension part of the name is .EXE.COM, or .BAT. Not set by default.
sys_immutableIf set, ATTR_SYS attribute on FAT is handled as IMMUTABLE flag on Linux. Not set by default.
flushIf set, the filesystem will try to flush to disk earlier than normal. Not set by default.
usefreeUse the “free clusters” value stored on FSINFO. It’ll be used to determine number of free clusters without scanning disk. But it’s not used by default, because recent Windows don’t update it correctly in some case. If you are sure the “free clusters” on FSINFO is correct, by this option you can avoid scanning disk.
dotsnodotsdotsOK=[yes|no]Various misguided attempts to force Unix or DOS file naming conventions onto a FAT filesystem. I’m sure they meant well, but you will probably not be using this option.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: hfs

Hierarchical File System (“hfs“) is a proprietary file system for MacOS. As of MacOS X version 10.6, Apple no longer supports writing to HFS volumes, although they can still be mounted as read-only.

Mount options for hfs:

creator=cccctype=ccccSet the creator/type values as shown by the MacOS finder used for creating new files. Default value is ‘????‘.
uid=ngid=nSet the owner and group of all files. Default: the uid and gid of the current process.
dir_umask=nfile_umask=numask=nSet the umask used for all directories, all regular files, or all files and directories. Defaults to the umask of the current process.
session=nSelect the CD-ROM session to mount. Defaults to leaving that decision to the CD-ROM driver. This option will fail with anything but a CD-ROM as underlying device.
part=nSelect partition number n from the device. Only makes sense for CD-ROMs. Defaults to not parsing the partition table at all.
quietDon’t complain about invalid mount options.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: hpfs

High Performance File System (“hpfs“) is a filesystem developed by Microsoft and IBM specifically for the OS/2 operating system. It was designed to improve upon the FAT filesystem.

Mount options for hpfs:

uid=valuegid=valueSet the owner and group of all files. Default: the uid and gid of the current process.
umask=valueSet the umask (the bitmask of the permissions that are not present). The default is the umask of the current process. The value is given in octal.
case={lower|asis}Convert all files names to lower case, or leave them as-is. (Default: case=lower.)
conv={binary|text|auto}For conv=text, delete some random CRs (in particular, all followed by NL) when reading a file. For conv=auto, make a best guess between conv=binary and conv=text. For conv=binary, just read what is in the file. This is the default.
nocheckDo not abort mounting when certain consistency checks fail.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: iso9660

ISO 9660 is a standard describing a filesystem structure to be used on CD-ROMs, and on some DVDs.

Normal iso9660 file names appear in a 8.3 format (i.e., DOS-like restrictions on file name length, where the file name has a maximum of eight characters, a dot, and then a maximum three-character extension), and in addition all characters are in upper case. Also, there is no field for file ownership, protection, number of links, provision for block/character devices, etc.

“Rock Ridge” is an extension to iso9660 that provides all of these UNIX-like features. Basically, in iso9660 there are extensions to each directory record that supply all of the additional information, and when Rock Ridge is in use, the filesystem is indistinguishable from a normal UNIX filesystem (except that it is read-only).

Mount options for iso9660:

norockDisable the use of Rock Ridge extensions, even if available. Compare with map, below.
nojolietDisable the use of Microsoft Joliet extensions, even if available. Compare with map, below.
check={r[elaxed]|s[trict]}With check=relaxed, a file name is first converted to lower case before doing the lookup. This is probably only meaningful together with norock and map=normal. Default: check=strict.
uid=valuegid=valueGive all files in the filesystem the indicated user or group id, possibly overriding the information found in the Rock Ridge extensions. Default: uid=0,gid=0.
map={n[ormal]|o[ff]|a[corn]}For non-Rock Ridge volumes, normal name translation maps upper to lower case ASCII, drops a trailing ‘;1‘, and converts ‘;‘ to ‘.‘. With map=off no name translation is done. See norock, above. Default: map=normal. Note: map=acorn is like map=normal but also applies Acorn extensions if present.
mode=valueFor non-Rock Ridge volumes, give all files the indicated mode. Default: read permission for everybody. Since Linux 2.1.37, administrators no longer need to specify the mode in decimal; octal is indicated by a leading 0.
unhideAlso, show hidden and associated files. If the ordinary files and the associated or hidden files have the same file names, this may make the ordinary files inaccessible.
block={512|1024|2048}Set the block size to the indicated value. Default: block=1024.
conv={a[uto]|b[inary]|m[text]|t[ext]}Default: conv=binary. Since Linux 1.3.54 this option has no effect anymore. And non-binary settings used to be very dangerous, possibly leading to silent data corruption.
cruftIf the high byte of the file length contains other garbage, set this mount option to ignore the high order bits of the file length. This implies that a file cannot be larger than 16 MB.
session=xSelect number of session on multisession CD. (Since 2.3.4.)
sbsector=xxxSession begins from sector xxx. (Since 2.3.4.)

The following options are the same as for vfat and specifying them only makes sense when using discs encoded using Microsoft’s Joliet extensions:

iocharset=valueCharacter set to use for converting 16 bit Unicode characters on CD to 8 bit characters. The default is iso8859-1.
utf8Convert 16 bit Unicode characters on CD to UTF-8.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: jfs

Journaled File System (“jfs“) is a journaled 64-bit file system created by IBM. There are versions for Linux, AIX, and OS/2, among other operating systems.

Mount options for jfs are as follows:

iocharset=nameCharacter set to use for converting from Unicode to ASCII. The default is to do no conversion. Use iocharset=utf8 for UTF-8 translations. This requires CONFIG_NLS_UTF8 to be set in the kernel .config file.
resize=valueResize the volume to value blocks. JFS only supports growing a volume, not shrinking it. This option is only valid during a remount, when the volume is mounted read-write. The resize keyword with no value will grow the volume to the full size of the partition.
nointegrityDo not write to the journal. The primary use of this option is to allow for higher performance when restoring a volume from backup media. The integrity of the volume is not guaranteed if the system abnormally abends.
integrityDefault. Commit metadata changes to the journal. Use this option to remount a volume where the nointegrity option was previously specified to restore normal behavior.
errors={continue|remount-ro|panic}Define the behavior when an error is encountered. Either ignore errors and just mark the filesystem erroneous and continue, or remount the filesystem read-only, or panic and halt the system.
noquota|quota|usrquota|grpquotaThese options are accepted but ignored.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: ntfs

NTFS is a file system developed by Microsoft for its Windows NT operating system.

Mount options for ntfs:

iocharset=nameCharacter set to use when returning file names. Unlike VFAT, NTFS suppresses names that contain nonconvertible characters. This option is deprecated.
nls=nameNew name for the option earlier called iocharset.
utf8Use UTF-8 for converting file names.
uni_xlate={0|1|2}For 0 (or ‘no‘ or ‘false‘), do not use escape sequences for unknown Unicode characters. For 1 (or ‘yes‘ or ‘true‘) or 2, use vfat-style 4-byte escape sequences starting with “:“. Here 2 give a little-endian encoding and 1 a byteswapped big-endian encoding.
posix=[0|1]If enabled (posix=1), the filesystem distinguishes between upper and lower case. The 8.3 alias names are presented as hard links instead of being suppressed. This option is obsolete.
uid=valuegid=valueumask=valueSet the file permission on the filesystem. The umask value is given in octal. By default, the files are owned by root and not readable by somebody else.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: proc

proc (or “procfs”) is a special filesystem on Unix-like operating systems which presents running processes in a hierarchical file-like structure. It is typically mounted at the location /proc at boot time.

Mount options for proc:

uid=valuegid=valueThese options are recognized by mount, but have no function.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: reiserfs

Reiserfs is a general-purpose journaled filesystem. It was the first journaled filesystem supported by the Linux kernel, and was once the default filesystem on SUSE Linux, before ext3 became the default.

Mount options for reiserfs:

convInstructs version 3.6 reiserfs software to mount a version 3.5 filesystem, using the 3.6 format for newly created objects. This filesystem is longer be compatible with reiserfs 3.5 tools.
hash={rupasov|tea|r5|detect}Choose which hash function reiserfs will use to find files within directories:

rupasovA hash invented by Yury Yu. Rupasov. It is fast and preserves locality, mapping lexicographically close file names to close hash values. This option should not be used, as it causes a high probability of hash collisions.
teaA Davis-Meyer function which uses hash-permuting bits in the name. It gets high randomness and, therefore, low probability of hash collisions at some CPU cost. This may be used if EHASHCOLLISION errors are experienced with the r5 hash.
r5A modified version of the “rupasov” hash. It is used by default, and is the best choice unless the filesystem has huge directories and unusual file-name patterns.
detectInstructs mount to detect which hash function is in use by examining the filesystem being mounted, and to write this information into the reiserfs superblock. This is only useful on the first mount of an old-format filesystem.
hashed_relocationTunes the block allocator. This may provide performance improvements in some situations.
no_unhashed_relocationTunes the block allocator. This may provide performance improvements in some situations.
noborderDisable the border allocator algorithm. This may provide performance improvements in some situations.
nologDisable journalling. This will provide slight performance improvements in some situations at the cost of losing reiserfs‘s fast recovery from crashes. Even with this option turned on, reiserfs still performs all journalling operations, save for actual writes into its journalling area. Implementation of nolog is a work in progress.
notailBy default, reiserfs stores small files and ‘file tails’ directly into its tree. This confuses some utilities such as LILO. This option is used to disable packing of files into the tree.
replayonlyReplay the transactions that are in the journal, but do not actually mount the filesystem. Mainly used by reiserfsck, which checks the integrity of the filesystem.
resize=numberA remount option which permits online expansion of reiserfs partitions. Instructs reiserfs to assume that the device has number blocks. This option is designed for use with devices that are under logical volume management (LVM).
user_xattrEnable Extended User Attributes.
aclEnable POSIX Access Control Lists.
barrier=nonebarrier=flushThis enables/disables the use of write barriers in the journaling code. barrier=none disables it, barrier=flush enables it. Write barriers enforce proper on-disk ordering of journal commits, making volatile disk write caches safe to use, at some performance penalty. The reiserfs filesystem does not enable write barriers by default. Be sure to enable barriers unless your disks are battery-backed one way or another. Otherwise, you risk filesystem corruption in case of power failure.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: tmpfs

tmpfs is the name of a temporary file system used on many Unix-like filesystems. It is mounted and structured like a disk-based filesystem, but resides in volatile memory space, similar to a RAM disk. Mount options for tmpfs:

size=nbytesOverride default maximum size of the filesystem. The size is given in bytes, and rounded up to entire pages. The default is half of the memory. The size parameter also accepts a suffix % to limit this tmpfs instance to that percentage of your physical RAM: the default, when neither size nor nr_blocks is specified, is size=50%.
nr_blocks=The same as size, but in blocks of PAGE_CACHE_SIZE.
nr_inodes=The maximum number of inodes for this instance. The default is half of the number of your physical RAM pages, or (on a machine with “highmem“) the number of lowmem RAM pages, whichever is the lower.

The tmpfs mount options for sizing (sizenr_blocks, and nr_inodes) accept a suffix km or g for Ki, Mi, Gi (binary kilo, mega and giga) and can be changed on remount.

mode=Set initial permissions of the root directory.
uid=The user id.
gid=The group id.
Set the NUMA (non-uniform memory access) memory allocation policy for all files in that instance (if the kernel option CONFIG_NUMA is enabled). It can be adjusted on the fly via ‘mount -o remount …‘.

defaultprefers to allocate memory from the local node.
prefer:Nodeprefers to allocate memory from the given node Node
bind:NodeListallocates memory only from nodes in NodeList
interleaveprefers to allocate from each node in turn
interleave:NodeListallocates from each node of NodeList in turn.

The NodeList format is a comma-separated list of decimal numbers and ranges, a range being two hyphen-separated decimal numbers, the smallest and largest node numbers in the range. For example, mpol=bind:0-3,5,7,9-15

Note that trying to mount a tmpfs with an mpol option will fail if the running kernel does not support NUMA; and will fail if its nodelist specifies a node that is not online. If your system relies on that tmpfs being mounted, but from time to time runs a kernel built without NUMA capability (perhaps a safe recovery kernel), or with fewer nodes online, then it is advisable to omit the mpol option from automatic mount options. It can be added later, when the tmpfs is already mounted on MountPoint, by ‘mount -o remount,mpol=Policy:NodeList MountPoint‘.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: ubifs

UBIFS is a flash file system which works on top of UBI volumes. Note that atime is not supported and is always turned off.

The device name may be specified as:

ubiX_YUBI device number X, volume number Y
ubiYUBI device number 0, volume number Y
ubiX:NAMEUBI device number X, volume with name NAME
ubi:NAMEUBI device number 0, volume with name NAME

An alternative “!” separator may be used instead of “:“.

Mount options for ubifs:

bulk_readEnable bulk-read. VFS read-ahead is disabled because it slows down the file system. Bulk-Read is an internal optimization. Some flashes may read faster if the data are read at one go, rather than at several read requests. For example, OneNAND can do “read-while-load” if it reads more than one NAND page.
no_bulk_readDo not bulk-read. This is the default.
chk_data_crcCheck data CRC-32 checksums. This is the default.
no_chk_data_crcDo not check data CRC-32 checksums. With this option, the filesystem does not check CRC-32 checksum for data, but it does check it for the internal indexing information. This option only affects reading, not writing. CRC-32 is always calculated when writing the data.
compr={none|lzo|zlib}Select the default compressor that is used when new files are written. It is still possible to read compressed files if mounted with the none option.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: udf

udf is the “Universal Disk Format” filesystem defined by the Optical Storage Technology Association, and is often used for DVD-ROM. See also iso9660, above.

Mount options for udf:

gid=Set the default group.
umask=Set the default umask. The value is given in octal.
uid=Set the default user.
unhideShow otherwise hidden files.
undeleteShow deleted files in lists.
nostrictUnset strict conformance.
iocharsetSet the NLS character set.
bs=Set the block size. May not work unless 2048.
novrsSkip volume sequence recognition.
session=Set the CD-ROM session counting from 0. Default: last session.
anchor=Override standard anchor location. Default: 256.
volume=Override the VolumeDesc location. (unused)
partition=Override the PartitionDesc location. (unused)
lastblock=Set the last block of the filesystem.
fileset=Override the fileset block location. (unused)
rootdir=Override the root directory location. (unused)

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: ufs

ufs is the Unix File System. It is is used in many Unix and Unix-like filesystems, and is a descendent of the filesystem used in Version 7 Unix.

ufstype=valueUFS is a filesystem widely used in different operating systems; there are significant differences among implementations. Features of some implementations are undocumented, so its hard to recognize the type of ufs automatically. That’s why the user must specify the type of ufs by mount option. Possible values are:

oldOld format of ufs; this is the default, and is read-only, so don’t forget to give the -r option as well.
44bsdFor filesystems created by a BSD-like system (NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD).
ufs2Used in FreeBSD 5.x; supported as read-write.
5xbsdSynonym for ufs2.
sunFor filesystems created by SunOS, or Solaris on Sparc.
sunx86For filesystems created by Solaris on x86.
hpFor filesystems created by HP-UX; read-only.
nextstepFor filesystems created by NeXTStep (on NeXT station); currently read-only.
nextstep-cdFor NextStep CD-ROMs (block_size == 2048); read-only.
openstepFor filesystems created by OpenStep (currently read-only). The same filesystem type is also used by macOS X.
onerror=valueSet behavior on encountering an error:

panicIf an error is encountered, cause a kernel panic.
[lock|umount|repair]These mount options don’t do anything at present; when an error is encountered only a console message is printed.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: usbfs

The usbfs filesystem is dynamically generated, similar to proc (see The Loop Device, below). It is used primarily for USB devices on Linux and other Unix-like filesystems.

Mount options for usbfs:

devuid=uiddevgid=giddevmode=modeSet the owner and group and mode of the device files in the usbfs filesystem (default: uid=gid=0mode=0644). The mode is given in octal.
busuid=uidbusgid=gidbusmode=modeSet the owner and group and mode of the bus directories in the usbfs filesystem (default: uid=gid=0mode=0555). The mode is given in octal.
listuid=uidlistgid=gidlistmode=modeSet the owner and group and mode of the file devices (default: uid=gid=0mode=0444). The mode is given in octal.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: vfat

Virtual FAT, or vfat, is closely related to the FAT file system. Options that are valid for fat (see above) are also valid for vfat, with the exception of the “dot” options. Additional options are as follows. Mount options for vfat:

uni_xlateTranslate unhandled Unicode characters to special escaped sequences. This lets you backup and restore file names that are created with any Unicode characters. Without this option, a ‘?‘ is used when no translation is possible. The escape character is ‘:‘ because it is otherwise illegal on the vfat filesystem. The escape sequence that gets used, where u is the unicode character, is: ‘:‘, (u & 0x3f)((u>>6) & 0x3f)(u>>12).
posixAllow two files with names that only differ in case. This option is obsolete.
nonumtailFirst try to make a short name without sequence number, before trying name~num.ext.
utf8UTF8 is the filesystem-safe 8-bit encoding of Unicode that is used by the console. It can be enabled for the filesystem with this option or disabled with utf8=0utf8=no or utf8=false. If ‘uni_xlate‘ gets set, UTF8 gets disabled.
shortname={lower|win95|winnt|mixed}Defines the behavior for creation and display of file names which fit into 8.3 characters. If a long name for a file exists, it will always be preferred display. There are four modes:

lowerForce the short name to lower case upon display; store a long name when the short name is not all upper case.
win95Force the short name to upper case upon display; store a long name when the short name is not all upper case.
winntDisplay the shortname as is; store a long name when the short name is not all lower case or all upper case.
mixedDisplay the short name as is; store a long name when the short name is not all upper case. This mode is the default since Linux 2.6.32.

Filesystem-Specific mount Options: xfs

xfs is a 64-bit, journaled filesystem developed by Silicon Graphics, Inc. It was the default filesystem in IRIX for many years, and has also been ported to the Linux kernel. xfs excels at parallel I/O, data consistency, and overall filesystem performance. It is well suited for real-time applications, due to a unique feature that allows it to maintain guaranteed data I/O bandwidth.

Mount options for xfs:

allocsize=sizeSets the buffered I/O end-of-file preallocation size when doing delayed allocation writeout (default size is 64 KiB). Valid values for this option are page size (typically 4 KiB) through to 1 GiB, inclusive, in power-of-2 increments.
<attr2> noattr2The options enable/disable (default is enabled) an “opportunistic” improvement to be made in the way inline extended attributes are stored on-disk. When the new form is used for the first time (by setting or removing extended attributes) the on-disk superblock feature bit field will be updated to reflect this format being in use.
barrierEnables the use of block layer write barriers for writes into the journal and unwritten extent conversion. This allows for drive level write caching to be enabled, for devices that support write barriers.
dmapiEnable the DMAPI (Data Management API) event callouts. Use with the mtpt option.
grpid|bsdgroupsnogrpid|sysvgroupsThese options define what group ID a newly created file gets. When grpid is set, it takes the group ID of the directory in which it is created; otherwise (the default) it takes the fsgid of the current process, unless the directory has the setgid bit set, in which case it takes the gid from the parent directory, and also gets the setgid bit set if it is a directory itself.
ihashsize=valueSets the number of hash buckets available for hashing the in-memory inodes of the specified mount point. If a value of zero is used, the value selected by the default algorithm will be displayed in /proc/mounts.
ikeep|noikeepWhen inode clusters are emptied of inodes, keep them around on the disk (ikeep) – this is the traditional XFS behavior and is still the default for now. Using the noikeep option, inode clusters are returned to the free space pool.
inode64Indicates that XFS is allowed to create inodes at any location in the filesystem, including those which will result in inode numbers occupying more than 32 bits of significance. This is provided for backward compatibility, but causes problems for backup applications that cannot handle large inode numbers.
largeio|nolargeioIf nolargeio is specified, the optimal I/O reported in st_blksize by stat will be as small as possible to allow user applications to avoid inefficient read/modify/write I/O. If largeio is specified, a filesystem that has a swidth specified will return the swidth value (in bytes) in st_blksize. If the filesystem does not have a swidth specified but does specify an allocsize then allocsize (in bytes) will be returned instead. If neither of these two options are specified, then filesystem will behave as if nolargeio was specified.
logbufs=valueSet the number of in-memory log buffers. Valid numbers range from 28 inclusive. The default value is 8 buffers for any recent kernel.
logbsize=valueSet the size of each in-memory log buffer. Size may be specified in bytes, or in kilobytes with a “k” suffix. Valid sizes for version 1 and version 2 logs are 16384 (16k) and 32768 (32k). Valid sizes for version 2 logs also include 65536 (64k), 131072 (128k) and 262144 (256k). The default value for any recent kernel is 32768.
logdev=devicertdev=deviceUse an external log (metadata journal) and/or real-time device. An XFS filesystem has up to three parts: a data section, a log section, and a real-time section. The real-time section is optional, and the log section can be separate from the data section or contained within it.
mtpt=mountpointUse with the dmapi option. The value specified here will be included in the DMAPI mount event, and should be the path of the actual mountpoint that is used.
noalignData allocations will not be aligned at stripe unit boundaries.
noatimeAccess timestamps are not updated when a file is read.
norecoveryThe filesystem will be mounted without running log recovery. If the filesystem was not cleanly unmounted, it is likely to be inconsistent when mounted in norecovery mode. Some files or directories may not be accessible because of this. Filesystems mounted norecovery must be mounted read-only or the mount will fail.
nouuidDon’t check for double mounted filesystems using the filesystem uuid. This is useful to mount LVM snapshot volumes.
osyncisosyncMake O_SYNC writes implement true O_SYNC. WITHOUT this option, Linux XFS behaves as if an osyncisdsync option is used, which will make writes to files opened with the O_SYNC flag set behave as if the O_DSYNC flag had been used instead. This can result in better performance without compromising data safety. However, if this option is not in effect, timestamp updates from O_SYNC writes can be lost if the system crashes. If timestamp updates are critical, use the osyncisosync option.
uquota|usrquota|uqnoenforce|quotaUser disk quota accounting enabled, and limits (optionally) enforced.
gquota|grpquota|gqnoenforceGroup disk quota accounting enabled and limits (optionally) enforced.
pquota|prjquota|pqnoenforceProject disk quota accounting enabled and limits (optionally) enforced.
sunit=valueswidth=valueUsed to specify the stripe unit and width for a RAID device or a stripe volume. The value must be specified in 512-byte block units. If this option is not specified and the filesystem was made on a stripe volume or the stripe width or unit were specified for the RAID device at mkfs time, then the mount system call will restore the value from the superblock. For filesystems that are made directly on RAID devices, these options can be used to override the information in the superblock if the underlying disk layout changes after the filesystem has been created. The swidth option is required if the sunit option has been specified, and must be a multiple of the sunit value.
swallocData allocations will be rounded up to stripe width boundaries when the current end of file is being extended and the file size is larger than the stripe width size.

The Loop Device

One further possible type is a mount via the loop device. A loop device is a “pseudo device” which allows a file to be mounted as a filesystem. For example, the command:

mount /tmp/disk.img /mnt -t vfat -o loop=/dev/loop

will set up the loop device /dev/loop3 to correspond to the file /tmp/disk.img, and then mount this device on /mnt.

If no explicit loop device is mentioned (but just an option ‘-o loop‘ is given), then mount will try to find some unused loop device and use that; for example:

mount /tmp/disk.img /mnt -o loop

The mount command automatically creates a loop device from a regular file if a filesystem type is not specified or the filesystem is known for libblkid, for example:

mount /tmp/disk.img /mnt
mount -t ext3 /tmp/disk.img /mnt

This type of mount knows about four options, namely loopoffsetsizelimit and encryption, that are really options to losetup. If the mount requires a passphrase, you will be prompted for one unless you specify a file descriptor to read from instead with the –pass-fd option. These options can be used in addition to those specific to the filesystem type.

Since Linux 2.6.25 is supported auto-destruction of loop devices and then any loop device allocated by mount will be freed by umount independently on /etc/mtab. You can also free a loop device by hand, using ‘losetup -d‘ or ‘umount -d‘.


The following options can be provided when umounting a device with umount:

-VPrint version information and exit.
-hPrint a help message and exit.
-vRun in verbose mode.
-nUnmount without writing in /etc/mtab.
-rIn case unmounting fails, try to remount read-only.
-dIn case the unmounted device was a loop device, also free this loop device.
-iDon’t call the /sbin/umount.filesystem helper even if it exists. By default /sbin/umount.filesystem helper is called if one exists.
-aAll of the file systems described in /etc/mtab are to be unmounted. With umount version 2.7 and later, the proc filesystem is not unmounted.
-t vfstypeIndicate that the actions should only be taken on file systems of the specified type. More than one type may be specified in a comma separated list. The list of file system types can be prefixed with no to specify the file system types on which no action should be taken.
-O optionsIndicate that the actions should only be taken on file systems with the specified options in /etc/fstab. More than one option type may be specified in a comma separated list. Each option can be prefixed with no to specify options for which no action should be taken.
-fForce unmount (in case of an unreachable NFS system). (Requires kernel 2.1.116 or later.)
-l“Lazy” unmount. Detach the filesystem from the filesystem hierarchy now, and cleanup all references to the filesystem as soon as it is not busy anymore. (Requires kernel 2.4.11 or later.)
–no-canonicalizeDon’t canonicalize (standardize the textual representation of) paths.
–fakeCauses everything to be done except for the actual system call; this “fakes” unmounting the filesystem. It can be used to remove entries from /etc/mtab that were unmounted earlier with the -n option.

Return Codes

mount returns one of the following values to indicate what happened during its execution:

1incorrect invocation or permissions.
2a system error occurred (out of memory, cannot fork, no more loop devices).
4internal mount bug was encountered.
8interrupted by user.
16problems writing or locking /etc/mtab.
32mount failure.
64At least one mount succeeded, but not all.


mount makes use of the following files:

/etc/fstabfilesystem table
/etc/mtabtabela de sistemas de arquivos montados. Este arquivo também é usado por umount .
/ etc / mtab ~arquivo de bloqueio
/etc/mtab.tmpArquivo temporário
/ etc / filesystemslista de tipos de sistemas de arquivos para tentar


mount -t tipo nome_do_diretório destination_directory

Montar o dispositivo de nomedispositivo nomedispositivo , de tipo tipo , a localização do sistema de arquivos destination_directory .

mount -t iso9660 -o ro / dev / cdrom / mnt

Monte um CD-ROM no diretório / mnt . ISO9660 é o sistema de arquivos padrão para CD-ROMs, -o ro diz montar para montá-lo como um sistema de arquivos somente leitura. / mnt já deve existir para que este comando seja bem-sucedido.


Exibir todas as montagens atuais. A saída será semelhante à seguinte:

/ dev / loop0 ativado / tipo ext4 (rw, erros = remount-ro)
proc on / proc tipo proc (rw, noexec, nosuid, nodev)
sysfs em / sys tipo sysfs (rw, noexec, nosuid, nodev)
nenhum no / sys / fs / cgroup type tmpfs (rw)
nenhum no / sys / fs / fusível / tipo de conexões fusectl (rw)
nenhum no tipo / sys / kernel / debug debugfs (rw)
nenhum no / sys / kernel / tipo de segurança securityfs (rw)
udev no tipo / dev devtmpfs (rw, mode = 0755)
devpts em / dev / pts tipo devpts (rw, noexec, nosuid, gid = 5, mode = 0620)
tmpfs on / run type tmpfs (rw, noexec, nosuid, tamanho = 10%, mode = 0755)
nenhum tmpfs do tipo on / run / lock (rw, noexec, nosuid, nodev, size = 5242880)
nenhum tipo on / run / shm tmpfs (rw, nosuid, nodev)
nenhum on / run / tipo de usuário tmpfs (rw, noexec, nosuid, nodev, size = 104857600, mode = 0755)
/ dev / sda3 no / host tipo fuseblk (rw, nosuid, nodev, relacionime, user_id = 0, group_id = 0, allow_other, blksize = 4096)
binfmt_misc no / proc / sys / fs / binfmt_misc tipo binfmt_misc (rw, noexec, nosuid, nodev)
gvfsd-fusível em / run / user / lightdm / gvfs tipo fuse.gvfsd-fusível (rw, nosuid, nodev, user = lightdm)
mount -l -t tmpfs

Liste todas as montagens atuais do tipo tmpfs . A saída será semelhante ao seguinte:

nenhum no / sys / fs / cgroup type tmpfs (rw)
tmpfs on / run type tmpfs (rw, noexec, nosuid, tamanho = 10%, mode = 0755)
nenhum tmpfs do tipo on / run / lock (rw, noexec, nosuid, nodev, size = 5242880)
nenhum tipo on / run / shm tmpfs (rw, nosuid, nodev)
nenhum on / run / tipo de usuário tmpfs (rw, noexec, nosuid, nodev, size = 104857600, mode = 0755)
montar -a

Monte todos os sistemas de arquivos listados no arquivo de tabela do sistema de arquivos / etc / fstab .

mount -o loop disk1.iso / mnt / disk

Monte o arquivo de imagem ISO disk1.iso como um dispositivo de loop (veja acima) no diretório / mnt / disk . O diretório / mnt / disk já deve existir para que este comando seja bem-sucedido.

ejetar – Ejeta a mídia removível.
losetup – Configure e controle dispositivos de loop.

22 de novembro de 2019

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